With transforming knowledge, technologies, career opportunities and demographic dividends the sector of education is taking a spin that shall be remembered in the history of mankind.The physicality of school will now bear very little significance as compared to the innovations that the society is marching to. Gurus will get out of the way and allow the learners to work at their own pace and time thus fostering originality and creativity. Students will learn how to negotiate issues and exchange ideas. Classrooms will be flipped and collaborative; experience in ‘the field’ will be emphasized within course itself. Personalized learning and free choice of subjects shall lead to the destination that shall vary per student. Skills of survival shall be replaced for skills of human life.

The goal of our new education system will be to create entrepreneurs, innovators, artists, scientists, thinkers and writers who can establish the foundation of knowledge based economy rather than the low-quality service provider nation.

Careers shall adapt to the future freelance economy, students will have to adapt to apply skills in shorter terms to a variety of situations. Schools will have to provide more opportunities for students to obtain real-world skills that will be representative to their jobs and the tone will be that there will be nothing that will be impossible.
It is high time to encourage a breed of superstar teachers, need leaders, entrepreneurs in teaching positions, not salaried people trying to hold on to their mantle.

Sub Themes :
  • Curriculum for Next Generation
  • Technology for Future Education
  • Emotional Hygiene
  • Principals of the Next Generation
  • Compliances with New Age Principals
  • Role of Teachers 20 Years Ahead
Venue :
Date : 15 – 16th Janurary 2019
Venue : , Mahal Sayaji Hotal, Vijay Nagar, Indore
For Query :
Mr . Mohit Yadav
Chair Person, Indore Sahodaya School Complex
M.: +91 98270 28570
Mrs . Reena Khurana
Secretary, Indore Sahodaya School Complex
M.: +91 98266 33221
Mr . U. K. Jha
Joint Secretary, Indore Sahodaya School Complex
M.: +91 88894 11169
Mrs . Ruchi Gandhi
Treasurer, Indore Sahodaya School Complex
M.: +91 94075 86441For further details visit:
E-mail: info@indoresahodaya.com