Guidelines for the judgment

Guidelines for the judgment

  1. Judges are to be seated separately during the event.
  2. The judgment sheet to be sent to the judges with the project reports only.
  3. Details of the Theme and Sub themes of Bal Vigyan  to be informed to the judges.
  4. Types of positions/awards:
    1. Best three schools on the basis of overall performance
    2. Best Idea related to the theme
    3. Content & Knowledge award
    4. Aim & Utility award.
    5. Best Presentation award
    6. Best Question award from audience. (This being an award for individual student there is no restraint for the judges for school)

Criterion of judgment:

  • Go through the contents of the Project reports thoroughly rather than the cosmetic value.
  • Grade them out of five marks before the presentations.
  • The project reports should be submitted back at the venue only.
  • Strictly adhere to the rules of late reporting and early departure of the teams.( check the guidelines)
  • Also stick to the timings of   the presentation.
  • No two prizes should go to a school. However, the prize for best audience question will be at the discretion of the judges as it is an individual award .

Students put in lot of efforts for preparing the project.. They do a lot of research work, data analysis, investigations, field trips etc so it becomes our responsibility to value their efforts and not get influenced by the status of the school.

For any clarification or doubt feel free to contact on the following numbers:

  • Bhavana Pujari  –  9425349996,
  • Manoj Bajpai  –  9669200307,
  • Archana Sharma –  9584655055

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